Monday, January 21, 2013

Putting his processors back on!

We've been working hard to give Sean some "independence" and confidence when it comes to putting his processors back on.  In the past it was so frustrating (for both mom and Sean!) when the magnet came off his head, while driving in the car, and Sean wasn't able to fix it.  I'm happy to report that when the magnet comes off of Sean's head now, HE is the one that fixes it!!  :)  Next step, work on putting the entire processor on his ear correctly. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snowflake in Timeout!

Sean cracks me up with how well he can imitate and repeat words and non-verbal gestures.
Just the other day, Sean took his little stuffed horse named, "Snowflake," and put him in our "time-out" spot.  Hilarious!  Sadly I was too late getting the camera.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

6 month check-up

It's hard to believe that it's been 6 months since Sean's surgery and activation!  We met with Dr. Moody today and she was thrilled to see how well Sean was doing with his CI's.  I know she enjoyed hearing Sean say, "Dr. Mood-dy!"  Sean's implants are doing exactly what they should be right now.  Our visits now with Dr. Moody will be annual, unless any issues arise with the internal device. 
I noted, and Dr. Moody agreed, that Sean's neck looked to have "thickened" some over the last few months.  Dr. Moody will be monitoring Sean's thyroid for the next few years, since he tested positive for Pendreds and has a good chance of developing a goiter, and will then refer us to an Endocrinologist.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Clarity of sounds

Sean is doing amazingly well "learning to listen."  I've noted some issues with clarity of sounds and how Sean comprehends them.  For example, while driving to school we were talking about it being "Thursday."  Well, Sean thought I said, "Birthday," so he started singing, "Happy Birthday!" LOL!
Guess it's time we make an appointment with Audiologist Mike to do some fine tuning.  :)